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Last Updated:
10/15/2024 11:15 AM


Rainbow Bridge

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Zorro went to live with a friend and sadly his life was cut short.

Porthos has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. R.I.P Buddy you will be missed

Sweet Tori came from a CA shelter where somewhere along the line this sweet girl had been abused. Tori came to us via another rescue she was very skiddish and she hated being alone. When we let Sweet Tori go she was not alone and was held by a volunteer as she passed. R.I.P. Tori we will always miss and Love you

Diesel came to us via a owner surrender. He was in horrible condition, one being he had a open leg wound that had turned into a bed sore about 6 in long and 5 on wide open raw flesh on his hind leg. They said he had the sore for 3 yrs and they spent 300. on it and it did not heal. His poor eyes were goopy and he had pus oozing out of his ears, if you lifted the ear flap you almost vomited from the smell, again left for 3 yrs running. We were told when they had there second child they put Diesel in there back yard and never looked back. He lived outdoors with no vet care, or attention from humans, or even a bath, and they did not even clean the yard that was completely full of poop everywhere including what he had to lay on. They kept there curtains closed so they did not have to look at him out there and that is how he lived for 3 yrs. We took Diesel in and first thing gave him a bath which we were pretty sure he had not had one if those either in 3 yrs and took him straight to the vet. We started treating everything and he seemed to be perking up, the leg was healing, fast and nicely. The ears were healing and finally you could lift the ear flap and he would not cry anymore, his eyes cleared up and he was thriving in the attention he was getting. We had a adopter that met him and wanted to adopt him and was spending lots of time with him. Out of the blue Diesel took a turn for the worst and we took him back to the vet and did blood work and valley fever titers and we knew he had a high white count so a infection somewhere, we just did not have a source. We started him on more meds but we had to be careful because his kidney function was not 100% due to all the meds he was on. When that did not work and he was getting worse and not wanting to eat he developed a limp and a fever so another valley fever titer which was neg but he still presented with classic valley fever symptoms so we started him on those meds as well. We were desperate and wanted to try anything. 4 days into the valley fever meds he laid down in a play yard and would not get up. The awesome staff at Second Home Pet Resort quickly got him back into his room and 2 staff members stayed with him talking to him and petting him while someone else called us. Well poor Diesel passed away with the staff members holding him and petting him. Diesel was very loved and in the short time we had him and cared for him and tried to heal all of his infections and everything else going on with him. We are happy we could at least provide that for him and I am sure he knew he was loved and cared for at the end. It was horrible that the owner did not care enough to do something when we may have had a chance at healing him. At some point when he was a puppy he was loved and cared for, he was papered and bred well. But at some point they just decided they stopped caring and loving him and instead of getting help or calling rescue or even taking to the shelter where we could have been called, they were selfish in holding onto to him until the wounds and infections were so bad he would have died in their yard alone. R.I.P Diesel you no longer are in pain. You will be loved and missed by everyone you met and hearts you touched.

Daisy and Charlotte
These are our two big girls we adopted almost 6 years ago. They brought so much love, fun and adventure, as well as challenges, into our lives and our home. Daisy (“Bossy Girl”) is the black Neo on the left and Charlotte (“Silver Angel”) is on the right in the photo. Daisy left us this past November and Charlotte left us last Friday (4/26/13). We think they are together now as they always were. Their little “brother” Phil is lost without them and so are we, but we are so glad they are free of the ailments that accompanied their old age. We tried our hardest to give them the best life we could, and they certainly brought so very much to our lives in return. We will never forget them and we are so grateful that we were chosen to be their guardians. Lyn Hawkins and Chris Medrea

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